Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Forgiveness Gift

Last week, the unthinkable happened at work.  A close colleague verbally unloaded on me in a painful, unjustified way.  It was a shot out the blue, and was delivered with anger and a sense of justification that had supposedly "smoldered for years".  I was crushed.  I had just begun a week long vacation, and it was ruined.  It was so disturbing and perplexing that it was difficult to sleep at night, and my wife suggested I seek other employment.  But I decided instead of burying the problem I would discuss it directly with my coworker when I returned on Monday.  I knew this would go either well, or very, very badly.  The latter unfortunately occurred.  She doubled down for round two of verbal abuse.  I informed her that this verbal harassment needed to stop.  If not, formal steps would be taken.  She was crushed, as many are when they don't see their own ill-behavior.  She refused to talk to me the whole week, and secluded herself to her office.  I mediated and prayed the whole week of how to resolve the issue.  Finally, on Friday afternoon, a sense of peace overwhelmed me, and the anxiety of the situation lifted.  I realized that this was not my cross to bear, but in order for both of us to heal, one of us needed to break the ice with the other.  I also knew she was going on vacation herself the next week, and I didn't want her to have a terrible week like I had had.  Hard as it was, I willed myself down the hall and entered her office, not exactly knowing what to say.  I cleared my throat, and told my colleague I was very sorry for the interaction we had had on Monday.  I assured her that from my prospective, we would always be friends.  But for the time being, my goal was the hope that she would have a good week off and not let this bother her.  She was still and listened intently, and then quietly said "thank you".  I left quietly on that note, but was liberated from a burden that could be relieved in no other way.  I knew at that moment that I had also given her a gift that would allow her to heal as well.  

LESSON LEARNED:  Forgiveness is a gift that is extended and offered, even when we are the injured party. It is what the Master, our Lord Jesus Christ, would expect us to do as we seek to turn the other cheek and to emmulate His example.


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